Liebe Sportfreunde.
Ich habe heute folgende Dankesmail des Slowakischen Verbandes erhalten und möchte euch diese nicht vorenthalten.
Dear WAKO members,
Thank you for your participation at WAKO World Championships c&j 2012 in Bratislava, SLOVAKIA.
It has been pleasure and big honor for us to host over 2100 participants from 50 countries around the world and your best fighters at these championship.
We believe, that despite of the short time to organize these championships, everyone enjoyed this event and spent nice time in Slovakia.
Your athletes showed their power and passion of love to kickboxing.
Especially, we would like to thank Mr.Falsoni WAKO President, for support and allocation rights organization these championships in Slovakia.
Likewise, we hereby thank WAKO Board and WAKO Organizing Committee, for their hard work and help during championships.
Thank you all, thank you WAKO.
Enjoy life and kickboxing.
Best Regards,
President of Slovak kickboxing Union Mr.Peter Onuscak & Slovak Organizing Comittee WAKO World kickboxing Championships c&j in Bratislava 2012
Die WAKO Deutschland bedankt sich beim Slowakischen Verband für die Gastfreundschaft und tolle Durchführung dieses riesigen Events.
Die Ergebnisse findet ihr jetzt unter Aktuelles und dort unter dem Menüpunkt Ergebnisse.